Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for the FIU Research Community

Florida International University is cognizant of the impacts that the COVID-19 outbreak has on the FIU community as well as the rest of the state and nation. The University, and its Emergency Operations Center (EOC), are actively monitoring and responding to the evolving situation to better understand the latest developments and provide continuing guidance to the FIU Research community.  The FIU COVID-19 website contains important and current information for everyone in the University community.

ORED Announcements regarding COVID-19

SUS Blueprint for Reopening Campuses in Fall 2020

The Board of Governors is providing the State University System of Florida Blueprint for Reopening Campuses for Fall Semester 2020 that identifies critical elementsto guide the 12 state universities as each one develops an individualized plan (June 4, 2020… read more)

It is the intent of the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) to provide the University research community with guidance to help mitigate any potential impacts on research activities and guidance updates from our various funding agencies as they become available.

With the ongoing concern about the spread of this disease, laboratories and research facilities should begin to finalize and implement plans for the disruption to routine operations. Each laboratory or research facility is best positioned to implement plans that will meet their unique needs.  This guidance is provided to facilitate the development of your plan.

The guidance provided herein is not intended to be all-inclusive and is based on what is known at this time.  We will update the research community as the situation develops and more information becomes available.  It is important that the entire FIU research community follow the University’s updates.

Research Continuity Guidance for Laboratories and Research Facilities

Assumptions that you can use for planning, based on a scenario with widespread COVID-19 communal transmission:

  • A significant percentage of your laboratory workforce may be out sick or unable to come to work.
  • Essential research infrastructure, such as power and telecommunications, will be maintained.
  • Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) will maintain essential research support functions, although some lower-priority services may need to be curtailed (e.g., less frequent waste pick-up).
  • The Animal Care Facility (ACF) will continue to operate under its pandemic response procedures. ACF users will be notified directly of any changes or updates to normal operations.  Any specific questions should be directed to Dr. Horatiu Vinerean at
  • Orders for critical supplies may be delayed and/or unavailable. ORED can assist if researchers need help in locating supplies in case of shortages.
  • Core facilities and other fee-for-service resources may experience disruptions of services.

Steps you can take now to ensure continuity of critical functions:

  • Identify procedures and processes that require regular personnel attention (e.g., cell culture maintenance, animal studies).
  • All laboratories and research facilities should forward contingency plans to Luis Salas at and Stephanie Mitjans at so that they may be reviewed and followed.
  • Assess and prioritize critical laboratory activities.
  • Identify any research experiments that can be ramped down, curtailed, or delayed. Notify pre-award and funding agency program officers (if applicable) of such delays.
  • Identify key personnel able to safely perform essential activities, and to ensure the integrity of your group’s research efforts.
  • Provide a list of essential personnel and identifying information (Panther ID) that may need access during a potential shutdown so that they may be granted access to their research sites by completing the following request form.
  • Ensure that you have access to emergency contact information for your critical staff, including cell phone numbers.
  • Cross-train research staff to fill in for others who may be out sick or unable to come to work.
  • Ensure staff have the appropriate training and required certifications.
  • Ensure you are documenting critical step-by-step instructions in your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Coordinate with colleagues who have similar research activities to identify ways to ensure coverage of critical activities.
  • Review contingency plans and emergency procedures with researchers and staff.
  • Maintain sufficient inventory of critical supplies that may be impacted by shortages or global shipping delays.
  • Communicate significant planned absences and/or lab closures to Luis Salas at and Stephanie Mitjans at and key academic and administrative units.
  • Prioritize. Depending upon the nature of your research, consider prioritizing work that can only be carried out in your research facility, and put off work amenable to remote support, such as data analysis. Stockpiling results and data now that could be analyzed remotely in the future is a potential option that might create future flexibility.
  • Consider the steps needed to secure your research program in case of a long-term event that may prevent access to the campus or specific building.

Remote access:

  • Ensure that those involved in research projects have access to information they need to carry out work remotely (e.g., access to literature, computers, existing datasets and research-related files, and meeting software, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
  • Test and update remote work technologies such as VPN and Zoom conferencing.
  • Under no circumstances are researchers to take materials other than laptops, data storage devices, etc., offsite (e.g., to their homes).  Ensure that no data or files with patient or participant identifying information is compromised and HIPAA and IRB regulations are followed.

Prevention of the spread of illness among your research group:

Research continuity summary:

Advance planning will allow everyone in your research group to focus on their own efforts and work together as a team, rather than wonder how they and their team members are to proceed.

Quick Checklist:

  1. Identify critical lab operations.
  2. Identify critical lab personnel and ensure they know what to do in the event of suspended operations.
  3. Remind lab personnel of your communication plan or create one if not in place.
  4. Ensure remote access to files, data, servers, etc.
  5. Prioritize experiments.
  6. Cancel non-essential travel, and check University travel restrictions before making travel plans. Additionally, check FIU’s updated travel guidance.

Research Involving Biospecimens

Any research group that plans to handle/work with SARS-CoV-2 biospecimens (from COVID-19 patients) must first receive clearance from FIU’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) prior to beginning any such research.

If cleared by EH&S, all appropriate/applicable safety precautions and procedures would be established and subsequently followed by the laboratory that would be conducting this research. Such procedures would be specifically tailored to the research itself and the type(s) of SARS-CoV-2 samples that the lab will work with.

Travel Guidance

FIU Panthers Protecting Panthers University Operations provides travel guidance due to the continued spread of COVID-19.  Please continue to monitor University advisories on travel restrictions and see any specific agency guidance in the Guidance from Funding Agencies section.

Office of Research and Economic development ORED

We expect that the Office of Research and Economic (ORED) will remain fully operational, with the ability to submit, receive and manage research grants, even if most personnel are working remotely. Typically, federal agencies are flexible about deadlines under difficult circumstances beyond our control such as natural disasters or pandemic events.  However, if federal agencies are officially closed, proposals will most likely remain in a queue, pending resumption of agency operations – as has been the case during federal budget-related shutdowns. ORED will post agency specific guidance as it becomes available.  See Guidance from Funding Agencies section.  All ORED personnel are working to ensure continuity of services for the research community.

Institutional Research Board (IRB)

Researchers are no longer required to submit mitigation plans to ORED for conducting in-person human research activities.  Researchers should follow CDC recommended guidelines (and any site-specific requirements) when conducting in-person human research activities.  For guidance on best practices for conducting human research activities remotely, please refer to the following web page: COVID-19 Guidance for Human Subject Research.

Contact Christopher Grayson ( if you have any questions.

University Graduate School (UGS)

The UGS personnel are following university guidance related to the University’s repopulation.

For questions and inquiries related to UGS matters, please reach out to us at, or via telephone at 305-348-2455. Furthermore, please contact UGS personnel ( as needed.

Inquiries related to dissertation/thesis forms – Demi Moro,

Inquiries related to ETD, formatting, Brandie Course,

Inquiries related to change of degree, petitions, time-to-degree, DAS/GF, commencement, general inquiries – Ashley Mendez,

Inquiries related to GA’s – Betty Sigler –

Inquiries related to UGS fellowships, professional development – Claudia Balzán,

Inquiries related to external fellowships and training grants – Alla Mirzoyan,

General inquiries, UGS operations – Karla Ortega,

Guidance from Funding Agencies

Funding agencies are beginning to issue guidance regarding their operations and procedures in response to COVID-19. ORED will post any issued guidance and maintain current guidance as available. See list below for latest updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Animal Research

ACF users will be notified directly in a separate communication of any changes or updates to normal ACF operations.


In general, yes, provided you remain engaged in your project.  Current NIH and NSF prior approval requirements regarding disengagement and effort reductions remain in effect.

Trip cancellation insurance is typically unallowable on grants.  Although airlines are not issuing refunds, most currently have procedures in place to provide limited time credits for future travel and are waiving the normal change fee.  If you need assistance in canceling a trip or have any questions, contact your post-award administrator.

Yes, if the effort is justified and related to programmed efforts.

With IRB approval, remote work participant fund procedures include the ability to use Zelle, Venmo and e-gift cards.  See your post award administrator for specific vendor forms.

Environmental Health & Safety

We may be able to pay for these costs as part of the budget proposal to a federal agency. However, the reliability of such tests as predictors of immunity so that researchers can have confidence that they would guarantee their safety is yet to be established.

Yes we can consider staggering rotating workers and working in shifts as long as we can ensure meeting current social distancing guidelines and compliance with EH&S behavioral and safety equipment while in the laboratory.

Right now, until the University issues guidance, we are treating this and the Miami Dade County rules as recommendations until the University issues guidance.




They will normally contact you and if you are not available, they will usually reach out to us. It is unlikely that they will enter your lab without your knowledge unless it is an emergency.


Field Work

We are currently working with the boat safety committee, INWI and other researchers to review all field operations including boats and diving.


Most federal agencies, including NIH and NSF, do not grant prior approval for late submissions; however, there are existing policies that address extenuating circumstances.  Current NIH guidance can be located at NOT-OD-15-039 and Special Exceptions to NSF’s Deadline Date Policy (PAPPG 19-1).  We strongly encourage you to discuss your specific situation with your agency Program Official and see the Guidance from Funding Agencies section.

We have been inquiring about all the possible options and currently the only solution that appears reasonable and/or viable is a mobile unit which houses a limited number of researchers but is certified for BSL-3 work. These units are being sold for approximately $1.3 million and the vendors we have found are sold out. We will continue to review this option as well as usage of existing structural facilities that are no being used although so far, we have not had luck. In preparation for the possibility we could overcome tis obstacle, we could review BSL-3 other requirements (for example training of staff, proper PEP, etc.)


ORED personnel are following university guidance.  While working remotely there is no anticipation of disruption to normal service to the research community.  Continue to contact ORED personnel as needed.  Staff will continue to monitor and respond to both office phone and email communications. Communications will be sent via our listservs and posted on the ORED Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources website if there are changes.

Human Resources


Human Subjects Research

For programmatic issues affecting your study, we strongly recommend you speak with your agency Program Official or other sponsor contact.  If any issues should persist, they may need to be reported in future progress reports, or you may need a No Cost Extension to complete your study.  Please coordinate any such actions with ORED.




Please visit our Professional Development and Training Resources page for a list of professional development courses and resources for research personnel.


Some agencies have begun to issue guidance regarding non-refundable travel, conferences and travel related expenses due to the coronavirus.  See the Guidance from Funding Agencies section for specific sponsor guidance.  For the most part the treatment of these charges are currently no different than in the past if travel had to be canceled for a compelling reason.

Documentation is critical when there are questions on change fees, cancellation fees, etc.  These may be an allowable expense under extenuating circumstances provided there is a compelling and valid reason such as a canceled conference or medical emergency.

If you need to cancel a trip due to coronavirus, document that the trip was cancelled by the host or travel was suspended by the University.  Include the memo from Dr. Furton on 3/10/2020 (or any subsequent memorandum) or notice of cancelation from the host of the conference as documentation on the expense report.  If you have any questions, please contact your post-award administrator.

If the University approved your Travel Authorization request (TA), it will be reimbursed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Animal Research

ACF users will be notified directly in a separate communication of any changes or updates to normal ACF operations.


In general, yes, provided you remain engaged in your project.  Current NIH and NSF prior approval requirements regarding disengagement and effort reductions remain in effect.

Trip cancellation insurance is typically unallowable on grants.  Although airlines are not issuing refunds, most currently have procedures in place to provide limited time credits for future travel and are waiving the normal change fee.  If you need assistance in canceling a trip or have any questions, contact your post-award administrator.

Yes, if the effort is justified and related to programmed efforts.

With IRB approval, remote work participant fund procedures include the ability to use Zelle, Venmo and e-gift cards.  See your post award administrator for specific vendor forms.

Environmental Health & Safety

We may be able to pay for these costs as part of the budget proposal to a federal agency. However, the reliability of such tests as predictors of immunity so that researchers can have confidence that they would guarantee their safety is yet to be established.

Yes we can consider staggering rotating workers and working in shifts as long as we can ensure meeting current social distancing guidelines and compliance with EH&S behavioral and safety equipment while in the laboratory.

Right now, until the University issues guidance, we are treating this and the Miami Dade County rules as recommendations until the University issues guidance.




They will normally contact you and if you are not available, they will usually reach out to us. It is unlikely that they will enter your lab without your knowledge unless it is an emergency.


Field Work

We are currently working with the boat safety committee, INWI and other researchers to review all field operations including boats and diving.


Most federal agencies, including NIH and NSF, do not grant prior approval for late submissions; however, there are existing policies that address extenuating circumstances.  Current NIH guidance can be located at NOT-OD-15-039 and Special Exceptions to NSF’s Deadline Date Policy (PAPPG 19-1).  We strongly encourage you to discuss your specific situation with your agency Program Official and see the Guidance from Funding Agencies section.

We have been inquiring about all the possible options and currently the only solution that appears reasonable and/or viable is a mobile unit which houses a limited number of researchers but is certified for BSL-3 work. These units are being sold for approximately $1.3 million and the vendors we have found are sold out. We will continue to review this option as well as usage of existing structural facilities that are no being used although so far, we have not had luck. In preparation for the possibility we could overcome tis obstacle, we could review BSL-3 other requirements (for example training of staff, proper PEP, etc.)


ORED personnel are following university guidance.  While working remotely there is no anticipation of disruption to normal service to the research community.  Continue to contact ORED personnel as needed.  Staff will continue to monitor and respond to both office phone and email communications. Communications will be sent via our listservs and posted on the ORED Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources website if there are changes.

Human Resources


Human Subjects Research

For programmatic issues affecting your study, we strongly recommend you speak with your agency Program Official or other sponsor contact.  If any issues should persist, they may need to be reported in future progress reports, or you may need a No Cost Extension to complete your study.  Please coordinate any such actions with ORED.




Through at least April 4th the StartUP FIU space on the 3rd floor of the MARC building will be closed to the public and all events have been postponed. For specific programs, such as YEP, Food, Procurement, I-Corps, Social Venture Studio, and all Student Entrepreneurship initiatives, each director will be contacting participants directly. If you need further guidance on your specific program, please reach out to them as you normally would.

For any questions, please email or call 305-348-7156. For any other updates please follow us on our social media platforms at @startupfiu.


Please visit our Professional Development and Training Resources page for a list of professional development courses and resources for research personnel.


Some agencies have begun to issue guidance regarding non-refundable travel, conferences and travel related expenses due to the coronavirus.  See the Guidance from Funding Agencies section for specific sponsor guidance.  For the most part the treatment of these charges are currently no different than in the past if travel had to be canceled for a compelling reason.

Documentation is critical when there are questions on change fees, cancellation fees, etc.  These may be an allowable expense under extenuating circumstances provided there is a compelling and valid reason such as a canceled conference or medical emergency.

If you need to cancel a trip due to coronavirus, document that the trip was cancelled by the host or travel was suspended by the University.  Include the memo from Dr. Furton on 3/10/2020 (or any subsequent memorandum) or notice of cancelation from the host of the conference as documentation on the expense report.  If you have any questions, please contact your post-award administrator.

If the University approved your Travel Authorization request (TA), it will be reimbursed.

Frequently Asked Questions

ORED personnel are following university guidance.  While working remotely there is no anticipation of disruption to normal service to the research community.  Continue to contact ORED personnel as needed.  Staff will continue to monitor and respond to both office phone and email communications. Communications will be sent via our listservs and posted on the ORED Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources website if there are changes.

Some agencies have begun to issue guidance regarding non-refundable travel, conferences and travel related expenses due to the coronavirus.  See the Guidance from Funding Agencies section for specific sponsor guidance.  For the most part the treatment of these charges are currently no different than in the past if travel had to be canceled for a compelling reason.

Documentation is critical when there are questions on change fees, cancellation fees, etc.  These may be an allowable expense under extenuating circumstances provided there is a compelling and valid reason such as a canceled conference or medical emergency.

If you need to cancel a trip due to coronavirus, document that the trip was cancelled by the host or travel was suspended by the University.  Include the memo from Dr. Furton on 3/10/2020 (or any subsequent memorandum) or notice of cancelation from the host of the conference as documentation on the expense report.  If you have any questions, please contact your post-award administrator.

If the University approved your Travel Authorization request (TA), it will be reimbursed.

In general, yes, provided you remain engaged in your project.  Current NIH and NSF prior approval requirements regarding disengagement and effort reductions remain in effect.

Trip cancellation insurance is typically unallowable on grants.  Although airlines are not issuing refunds, most currently have procedures in place to provide limited time credits for future travel and are waiving the normal change fee.  If you need assistance in canceling a trip or have any questions, contact your post-award administrator.

Yes, if the effort is justified and related to programmed efforts.

Most federal agencies, including NIH and NSF, do not grant prior approval for late submissions; however, there are existing policies that address extenuating circumstances.  Current NIH guidance can be located at NOT-OD-15-039 and Special Exceptions to NSF’s Deadline Date Policy (PAPPG 19-1).  We strongly encourage you to discuss your specific situation with your agency Program Official and see the Guidance from Funding Agencies section.

For programmatic issues affecting your study, we strongly recommend you speak with your agency Program Official or other sponsor contact.  If any issues should persist, they may need to be reported in future progress reports, or you may need a No Cost Extension to complete your study.  Please coordinate any such actions with ORED.

With IRB approval, remote work participant fund procedures include the ability to use Zelle, Venmo and e-gift cards.  See your post award administrator for specific vendor forms.

ACF users will be notified directly in a separate communication of any changes or updates to normal ACF operations.

Please visit our Professional Development and Training Resources page for a list of professional development courses and resources for research personnel.

Virtual Town Hall

Virtual Town Hall

On April 21, 2020, the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) held its first virtual town hall meeting on research during COVID-19.

Discussion topics included an update on current status at FIU, updates on federal agencies’ directives,  as well as continuity of laboratory and field research operations. In addition, selected questions were addressed.

Click here to access the recording, and here to download/view the pdf presentation.

Please note that the guidance discussed in these town halls is constantly changing   Therefore you should continue to check this website for updates. If you have any questions that were not answered through the town hall or by this website, please click here to submit your questions.  Your questions will continue to be reviewed by ORED and will be considered for future town hall meetings.

ORED Professional Development and Training Resources

Please visit our Professional Development and Training Resources page for a list of professional development courses and resources for research personnel.

Funding Opportunities

This page is updated regularly.  In addition, please note that the InfoEd SPIN search engine has created a ‘COVID-19/Coronavirus Funding Opportunities’ report that lists all funding opportunities with no filters.   You may find this search tool on ORED’s website: or by going directly to InfoEd’s public page:

Date Posted Agency Name Program Name Agency Deadline Notes
8/20/2024 Pfizer Medical Grant Program Best Practices for Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) Management for Oral COVID-19 Antivirals 9/25/2024
7/9/2024 Pfizer Global Medical Increasing Healthcare Professional Skills For COVID-19 Vaccine Discussions That Advocate Vaccination 9/3/2024
3/16/2022 NIDA Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Telehealth Strategies for Individuals with HIV and Substance Use Disorders


September 8, 2024 R01, R03, R21
3/16/2022 NIDA Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Medical Consequences of Smoking and Vaping Drugs of Abuse in Individuals with HIV and COVID-19


September 8, 2024 R01, R03, R21
3/16/2022 NIDA Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Long-Term Neurocognitive Consequences of COVID-19 in Individuals Living with HIV and Substance Use Disorders


September 8, 2024 R01, R03, R21
3/16/2022 NIH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable PopulationsNOT-MH-21-330 September 8, 2024 See RFA for participating institutesR01, UG3/UH3
3/16/2022 NIDA Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Effects of smoking and vaping on the risk and outcome of COVID-19 infection


September 8, 2024 R01, R03, R21
4/17/2024 NINDS, NIA Neuropathological Interactions Between COVID-19 and ADRD (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


10/5/2024 R01
3/16/2022 NIMH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health ResearchNOT-MH-22-100 January 8, 2025 R21, R34, R01
3/16/2022 NIMH, NIAAA, NIEHS, ORWH Accelerating the Pace of Child Health Research Using Existing Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (R21-Clinical Trial Not Allowed)PAR-22-138 May 8, 2025
3/16/2022 NIMH, NIAAA, NIEHS, ORWH Accelerating the Pace of Child Health Research Using Existing Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (R01-Clinical Trial Not Allowed)PAR-22-137 May 8, 2025
3/16/2022 NHLBI Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on barriers to care and risk of HIV-associated comorbidities among vulnerable population groupsNOT-HL-22-010 May 8, 2025
3/16/2022 NHLBI, NICHD, NIAID Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) Pediatric COVID-19 and Respiratory Viral Co-infectionNOT-HL-22-004 September 8, 2025 R01, R21
8/3/2022 NIDA, NIA, NIAAA, NCCIH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) HEAL Initiative: Workforce Interventions to Improve Addiction Care Quality and Patient Outcomes


September 8, 2025 R61/R33
3/16/2022 NIH Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement – Clinical Trial Optional)


September 8, 2025 See PA for participating NIH institutes
6/2/2023 NIMH Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for COVID-19 Impacted NIMH Research



April 2, 2026
6/13/2024 NIMHD Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)


1/8/2027 R01
12/6/2023 NHLBI, NCI, NIDCR, NIEHS, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, OBSSR, ODP, ORWH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Data Informed, Place-Based Community-Engaged Research to Advance Health Equity


1/8/2027 R01, R34, R21, UG3/UH3, K01, R03, P01, P50, K08, K23
5/11/2022 NIH Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): IMPROVE Initiative: Implementation Science to Advance Maternal Health and Maternal Health Equity


See specific funding announcements (next column) for deadlines.

PA-20-185- NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

PA-20-183- NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Required)

PA-20-200- NIH Small Research Grant Program (Parent R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

PA-20-195- NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

PA-20-194- NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Required)

Submit applications for this initiative using one of the following funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) or any reissues of these announcement through the expiration date of this notice.
4/15/2020 National Institute on Aging

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

National Cancer Institute

Urgent Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Urgent Supplement –  Clinical Trial Optional)

Notice Number:  NOT-OD-20-0-097


See Urgent Guide Notices for information on start dates associated with specific urgent needs.

Must be a current NIH awardee

Emergency Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) issued by the respective institutes will specify the activity codes under which recipients can apply.