How InCites can help you

One of the biggest strengths of using InCites for analysis is that you can use and compare normalized metrics that take into account what is ‘expected’ for other items of the same year, subject area or journal, and publication type. Also, some metrics use percentages rather than absolute values so that you can compare publications across different subject research areas on an equal footing.

A few of the key benefits include:

Collaboration Analysis

Funding Agency Analysis

Individual Research Report

Institutional Analysis

InCites, by Clarivate, is a benchmarking and analytics tool that uses publication information to analyze productivity, impact, and collaborations as reflected in the literature indexed in the Web of Science Databases. It includes all academic disciplines, but is stronger and provides more narrow sub-field data for STEM fields.

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics is a customized, web-based research evaluation tool that can help you develop your research strategy. InCites B&A allows you to analyze institutional productivity, monitor collaboration activity, identify influential researchers, showcase strengths, and discover areas of opportunity.

Collaboration Analysis

InCites can be used to analyze which researchers or organizations have collaborated by co-authoring a publication together. This analysis uses the individual author addresses to identify their organization. You can also generate statistics such as the number and percentage of either industry or international collaborations present.

The following video covers ways to assess an organization’s or author’s collaborations:

Evaluating Regional Collaborations Video
(3:05 minutes)

Funding Agency Analysis

Funding agency information comes from the acknowledgements sections of publications, supplemented in some cases with data from PubMed and ResearchFish. You can perform a Funding Agency analysis to

  • See who is funding research at a specific institution
  • See which funding agencies have co-funding research
  • See common funding agencies for a research area
  • Create a set of Web of Science records and then use these in InCites to analyze funders of specific topics.

The following video covers ways to perform analyses by funding agency:

Funding Agency Analysis

Individual Research Report

One way you can use InCites is to create a more robust citation report for an individual researcher than might be created in other products, like Web of Science. This is because InCites will allow you to calculate citation metrics relatively to other researchers in the same broad research area (using the Category Normalized Citation Impact) or other authors in the same journal (using the Journal Normalized Citation Impact). This avoids the common pitfall of using a measurement about a journal (like a Journal Impact Factor) to describe the individual works of a researcher.

To do this type of report:

  1. Go to the Analyze > People section of InCites
  2. Using the Filters on the left, choose By Attributes > Person Name or ID to enter either alternate forms of their name (Last, First) or a ResearcherID or ORCID associated with them.
    • If using a name search, be sure to use Last Name, First Initial (or First Name) to find all of the ways the name may be entered as an author.
    • Records since 2008 will have institutions affiliated with each name variant so you can look for items associated with that name at a current or previous organization.  Records with n/a as the affiliation could be from any organization or may be a mix of same-named authors from multiple organizations.
    • You can narrow down your selection for common names by also selecting Affiliated organizations and entering any organization the researcher may have been affiliated with.  This will restrict your search to items published since 2008.
  3. To combine and total across all of the researcher’s publications, click the box next to each relevant name variation and Pin to Top.  Then, click on Baseline and choose Baseline for Pinned Items.
  4. Click on the gear at the top left of the listing to add columns of metrics you would like to see.  Some suggested metrics include:
    • Category Normalized Citation Impact
    • Journal Normalized Citation Impact
    • h-index
    • etc.

Institutional Analysis

InCites can be used to compare your institution’s output to a pre-selected group of peer institutions, or to a group of institutions defined by geography (e.g. same state or country) or other characteristics.

The following videos provide the basics of institutional comparisons and benchmarking your institution to peer institutions:

Explore Organizations Video: Part 1
(5:12 minutes)

Explore Organizations Video: Part 2
(2:37 minutes)

New User Instructions

On the InCites Sign In page, click on the register an email address link or click on the register an email address button below.

Enter your email address on the User Registration screen and then your name, new password, primary role, and subject area on the following screen to complete registration.

Need Assistance?

InCites is useful for ‘big picture’ questions about the productivity and impact of a set of researchers, an institution or organization, or a research area as expressed in the number of publications produced and the number of citations those publications receive. See below for examples of how specific types of analysis may be generated in InCites.

The Office of Research and Economic Development is committed in providing guidance in utilizing and getting the most out of Clarivate’s InCites tool. If you have any questions or need training, please contact  David Driesbach.