Electronic Proposal Routing and Approval (ePRAF)
In alignment with the goal of the Office of Research and Economic Development to enable the university’s researchers to focus more of their time and resources on the science during the proposal process, the Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form (ePRAF) was implemented to replace the previously used paper-based Internal Clearance Form. The ePRAF allows the electronic routing of proposals throughout the entire approval process from the PI / Co-PIs, to the Chair, Dean and the Office of Research and Economic Development.
Accessing the ePRAF
To access the ePRAF, please click here.
ePRAF Training
Completing an Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form (ePRAF)
Approving an Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form (ePRAF)
Smart Proposal Access via iOS Devices
ePRAF Forms
Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form (ePRAF PDF format)
Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form (ePRAF Word format)
ePRAF Clinical Trials Form for Non-NIH Applications
Training Schedule
Special Departmental Training Sessions: If your department would like to schedule a special session regarding the ePRAF and the additional administrative support available, please email gutierrr@fiu.edu to coordinate.