ORED Professional Development and Training Resources

The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) provides training to the FIU research community in a variety of methods. There are many online training and review sessions provided regarding compliance as well as sponsored research training that can be viewed at your convenience. If more direct training is required, ORED staff is available to provide one-on-one training as needed.

Research Administrators Certificate Course

The Research Administrators Certificate Course (RACC) is an online course that was designed to assist the University research community in better understanding the administration and compliance requirements of sponsored research at FIU.

The RACC is comprised of twelve modules from proposal preparation through project close-out and research compliance obligations. You may take each module at your convenience. You will receive FIU professional development credit for each module completed and a certificate of completion when you complete all modules.

To register for the RACC, please click the link below. If you have any questions, please email Robert Zurita or Daniel Gutierrez.

Monthly Research Administration Meetings

Training is provided as part of the Monthly Research Administration Meeting (MRAM). See our upcoming schedule and register below:

Presentations from Division of IT and Procurement Services
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: MMC, MARC Building, 3rd Floor
Registration Link: RSVP to Research Administration Meeting

image of students at Presentation Workshop

Other Professional Development Resources

Training Area Courses Available Source
Research Development Proposal Development https://www.youtube.com/user/NCURA1959/
Cost Reimbursable Vs Fixed Price Award
Allowable Cost
2 More Tips for Effective Email Communication with Your PIs
Grant Writing for Education https://linkedinlearning.fiu.edu/

Login using your FIU username and password

The Grant Lifecycle These courses are not interactive nor video based.  The information is provided in a reading format.  To access these courses go to:


Pre-Award Phase
Award Phase
Post Award Phase
How to Search for Federal Grants https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNSNGxQE7NWlPcYxVJsglJbRc6cPcfC8X
Understanding User Role
What’s in a Grant Opportunity?
Applying for a Federal Grant on Grants.gov
Research Administration Post Award 101:  What are the risk factors https://www.youtube.com/user/NCURA1959/
Cost Transfer Red Flags & Cost Transfer Justifications
Calculating Effort.  The NIH Salary Gap
Fixed Price Contract Part 1 & 2
OMB Uniform Guidance These courses are not interactive nor video based.  The information is provided in a reading format.  To access these courses go to:


Understanding the Reporting and Oversight Process
Research Administrator Certificate Course Coming soon
IT Applications Microsoft Office https://linkedinlearning.fiu.edu/

Login using your FIU username and password

Excel Essential
Excel:  Advanced Formulas and Functions
Excel: Mastering PivotTables and PivotCharts
Learning OneDrive
Microsoft Teams Essential Training
Access 2019 Essential Training
FIU Financials Financial Reporting 101 https://professionaldevelopment.fiu.edu

Login with your FIU username and password

PantherSoft Fundamentals
Purchasing through eProcurement
Travel and Expense
Career Development Managing the Stress of Social Distancing and Working Remotely
Social Media and Your Career  https://www.youtube.com/user/NCURA1959/
Strategies for Communicating with Tact and Diplomacy https://fiu.skillport.com
Customer Service over the Phone https://fiu.skillport.com

Login with your FIU username and password

Customer Service Confrontation and Conflict
Harrasment Prevention for Managers- Higher Education Edition
Harrasment Prevention for Employees- Higher Education Edition
Planning for Performance
Monitoring and Improving Performance
Reviewing and Reqarding Performance
Project Management https://linkedinlearning.fiu.edu/

Login using your FIU username and password

Project Management Foundations:  Budget
Time Management Working from Home
Time Management Fundamentals
Accounting Foundation
Finance Foundations
Finance Foundations for Non-Financial Managers
Forecasting Using Financial Statements
NIH- Office of Intramural Training & Education https://www.training.nih.gov/virtual_nih_activities_for_trainees_outside_the_nih
Mentoring Webinars for Graduate Students and Postdocs Transitioning to Research Independence: Funding and Grantsmanship for Newly Independent Investigators  To access these webinar got to:


What Graduate Students & Postdocs Writing NIH Grants Need to Know
Mentoring Trainees in Scientific Communication: Better, Faster, Simpler
Graduate Student Success- University of Colorado https://blog.mentorcollective.org/webinar-cudenver-graduate-students
Council of Graduate Schools https://cgsnet.org/webinar-crossing-finish-line-strategies-support-doctoral-completion
Other Sources National Councel of University Administrators NCURA (multiple topics including Intellectual Property, Data Security in Research, Working with Industry and various other topics) https://onlinelearning.ncura.edu/catalog

Expertise Systems in Florida Universities: Collaboration Across Campus and Beyond

Dates in 2020: May 11, 12, 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30


Registration is free