Closeout Process
All projects must be promptly closed out at the end of the project in accordance with the time line established by the Office of Research and Economic Development policy. Projects are considered completed on the earlier of when all work under the project is finished, or on the date the award document provides as the end date of the project. If, at the end of the project period, the principal investigator has not secured a continuation, supplement or no-cost extension, closeout of the project must be conducted.
The closeout of the project is the process by which the sponsor determines that all applicable administrative actions and all scientific work on the project have been completed. Key features of closeout are the submission of all final technical and fiscal reports and the settlement of cash. Unspent balances may have to be refunded to the sponsor. Charges to the project are not permitted after the termination date, although purchase orders for outstanding items may still be honored. Salaries, OPS charges, and travel must all be performed clearly within the project period dates.
Click here to access the Closeout Process policy and procedure.
Closeout Process
An email notification is sent to the PI requesting to review the Preliminary Report of Expenditures (ROE). This Report of Expenditure (ROE) includes award and project information such as; sponsor name, project period, project budget, and expenditures. It also includes questions to be answered and certified by the PI.
After the PI reviews this form, the PI needs to send it back to their Post-Award Representative. The Post-Award Representative will review the Preliminary ROE, make any necessary adjustments and will email it back to the PI for final certification. The PI may send the Final ROE via email, fax or interoffice mail along with a copy of the technical report.