Master Agreements

Master Agreements are agreements that embody agreed-upon terms and conditions of a basic relationship between the University and a sponsor.

Once a Master Agreement is in place, a “task work order” (TWO) is typically generated for each new project to be done under the Master Agreement. The TWO sets forth the items particular for a certain project such as dollar amount, research to be carried out, period of performance, specific deliverables and who the principal investigator for the TWO will be. These TWOs are governed by the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. This alleviates the need to negotiate the main terms of the agreement, as the majority of the terms are agreed upon when the Master Agreement is executed and only the particulars terms that are specific for the task work order (generally programmatic and budgetary) need to be negotiated.

We currently have Master Agreements in place with the entities listed below. When dealing with the following sponsors, please inform them to use our Master Agreement.

Access to view the Master Agreement is limited to FIU employees who are credentialed via Active Directory.

Please note that any TWOs generated under these Master Agreements will require an ePRAF and all relevant compliance reviews that are required for any new project that is setup.

Sponsor Contract Number Title
Battelle/SRNL BOA 541 Basic Ordering Agreement Research, Development, and Other Services
Charles River Laboratories N\A Master Service Agreement
City of North Miami Beach N\A Interlocal Agreement
Department of the Interior NPS”SOFL”CESU”2020 South Florida”“Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Master Agreement for all agencies
Florida Department of Transportation BDV29 Master University Agreement
Florida Department of Transportation BED29 Master University Agreement (2022-2023)
General Services Administration Federal Supply Sschedule
USF – IAE Academic Consortium Agreement
Miami Dade County 22FIU005 Interlocal Agreement
MITRE Corp 134403 Master Services Agreement
MSRDC Dated 3/30/2020 Master University Agreement
National Park Service P24AM00426 Master Agreement
New York University Databrary Master Agreement
Ohio State University FE ML-RCP

AFRL Minority Leaders Research Collaboration Program Agreement

ORAU RUPO-000004 Master Agreement
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (RCL) Dated 5/12/17 Memorandum of Understanding
Seaport Next Gen IDIQ N0017821D9075 Master University Agreement
South Florida Water Management District 4600005025 Master Agreement
SURA C2020-FIUN-01 Master University Agreement
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Institutional Member Agreement for the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Research

Need Assistance?

If you have questions about a particular Master Agreement then please reach out to Robert Gutierrez, Assistant Vice President for Research at