Responsible Conduct of Research

Florida International University promotes Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) practicing high standards of ethics and accountability in planning, implementation, behavior and information dissemination. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to provide safe work environments, which foster the values of a shared responsible community.

As defined by federal agencies, RCR encompasses the following nine areas:

  1. Collaborative Science – Collaborations take place in a variety of forms, including the borrowing and lending of supplies, resources and equipment between researchers; seeking input from an expert in a different discipline; and partnering with colleagues who have a similar background or field of knowledge for fresh ideas and abilities.
  2. Conflicts of Interest – Conflicts of interest are not inherently negative; rather, the way in which the conflict is managed is important.
  3. Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing and Ownership – Ethical issues associated with data, including data collection, management, sharing, ownership, and protection.
  4. Human Research Protections – Policies and procedures that protect human subjects in research studies.
  5. Lab Animal Welfare – Policies and regulations that both maintain the integrity of scientific research and sustain the welfare of such animals.
  6. Mentoring – Mentoring a less-experienced researcher is a professional responsibility of all scientists. The ultimate goal of the mentor is to establish the trainee as an independent researcher.
  7. Peer Review – Positive peer reviews contribute to increased funding opportunities, academic advancement and a good reputation.
  8. Publications Practices and Responsible Authorship – Although researchers can disseminate their findings through many different avenues, results are typically published as an article in a scholarly journal.  Authorship plans should be agreed to in writing prior to commencing research activities.
  9. Research Misconduct – Policies and procedures for reporting and investigating allegations involving plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data.

For more information please view the RCR requirements, RCR online training, RCR workshops, or RCR additional resources.

Upcoming Events

Feb 5, 2025: RCR Workshop: Peer Review at MARC - Management & Advanced Research

Presented by: Dr. John Kominoski This workshop highlights an overview of the importance of peer review in professional career development and service to academic disciplines. Learn how to give and [...]

Mar 13, 2025: RCR Workshop: Electronic Notebooks on OneDrive at MARC - Management & Advanced Research

Presented by: Dr. Joshua Hutcheson and Daniel Chaparro Laboratory notebooks are essential for proper laboratory function and passing of information from one generation of laboratory personnel to the next. In [...]

Apr 11, 2025: RCR Workshop: Obtaining and Maintaining IACUC Approval  at MARC - Management & Advanced Research

Presented by: Angel Rayo, Research Integrity Coordinator II The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with an overview of the IACUC approval and protocol management process. The workshop [...]


Today’s workshop- Sep 29, 2022: RCR: Plagiarism at PC 441 has been postponed until further notice. Thank you to everyone who showed interest and registered! Please be on the lookout for future workshops. Stay safe! 

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions regarding Responsible Conduct of Research, please contact the Office of Research Integrity at (305) 348-0056.