Upcoming Topaz Elements System Downtime

Please note the Topaz Online Protocol Submissions System will be undergoing maintenance at the following date and time:

September 8, 2022
1:00PM – 3:00PM

Make sure to click the “Save Button” if you are working on an application form since the system will be down during this time.
The system will not automatically save your work as you complete an application form.

Thank you for your understanding during this brief downtime.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee established under federal regulations for the protection of human subjects in research (45 CFR 46). Its purpose is to help protect the rights and welfare of human participants in research. FIU faculty, staff, and students are required to obtain IRB approval prior to conducting research with human subjects. This applies to both on-campus and off-campus research, regardless of funding.

This site contains the necessary tools and information to assist investigators during the IRB protocol submission and review process. You can find them on the left navigation menu including Obtaining IRB Approval, which provides step by step instructions on preparing your submission; Policies & Procedures,  which contains helpful resources on conducting research with humans subjects, and IRB FAQs, which contains answers to commonly asked questions.

Upcoming Events

Nov 20, 2024: RCR Workshop:  Mentor/Trainee Roles & Responsibilities - How to Select a Mentor for Every Stage of your Career.  at MARC - Management & Advanced Research

Presented by: Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor of Biology, Associate Director of the STEM Transformation Institute. This workshop will highlight strategies for managing mentor-mentee relationships that allow for flexible, dialogic… [...]

Need Assistance?

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is responsible for the ethical and regulatory oversight of research at Florida International University that involves human subjects. ORI supports and oversees the work of the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).

If you have any questions regarding the IRB, please contact one of the IRB Coordinators:

The SB-IRB Chair is Dr. Kristen Zgoba and can be reached at (305) 348-3430.

The HS-IRB Chair is Dr. Adriana Campa and can be reached at (305) 348-2871.

Visit the IRB Membership Rosters web page for a full listing of the board members and their contact information.