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Understanding how to maintain your online presences and related scholarly information is an important skillset for researchers in today’s digital world. Below are some benefits of learning how to efficiently and impactfully manage your digital presence.
FIU recognizes the benefits associated with managing your digital presences and related information and has made strategic investments as part of a Faculty Success Initiative to establish an infrastructure of integrated applications, data, and resources to support FIU researchers.
Understanding how to maintain your online presences and related scholarly information is an important skillset for researchers in today’s digital world. Below are some benefits of learning how to efficiently and impactfully manage your digital presence.
FIU recognizes the benefits associated with managing your digital presences and related information and has made strategic investments as part of a Faculty Success Initiative to establish an infrastructure of integrated applications, data, and resources to support FIU researchers.
Join us on the following dates to learn more about optimizing your digital presence:
It can be overwhelming to understand where to start given the variety of technologies, databases, and related processes both within and outside of FIU that require the same information about you. Best practices can also vary dramatically across discipline and each individual will have their own unique goals and approach.
The following three steps are provided as general recommendations for FIU faculty* to optimize their digital presences given the infrastructure in place at the University at this time. The guidance and related information resources on this page will continue to evolve as best practices by discipline and related technologies evolve.
If you have any questions or need assistance related to the steps below, please submit a request for assistance and someone from Research Information Systems will be in contact with you.
*Currently available for full-time faculty with active 9/12 month contracts.
It is very important to establish your unique digital identity as a researcher, especially if you share a name with other researchers across the world.
Similar to how the PantherID identifies you within FIU systems, the ORCID ID is a free and unique 16-digit number that distinguishes you from every other researcher across the world.
Increasingly the ORCID ID is being adopted and required across the world by many organizations including funders, publishers, and other universities.
Register at ORCID to get your ORCID ID. It takes less than 5 minutes!
Do not worry at this stage about manually populating your entire ORCID profile. Just make note of your ORCID ID and related login information since it will be referenced in the subsequent steps on this page.
FIU Discovery automates the collection, disambiguation and management of the following types of scholarly works typically found across many external ranking databases such as Clarivate’s Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus.
See the Review the Scholarly Works Automated into FIU Discovery guide on the FIU Discovery support site to learn how to review the scholarly works that have been automated.
FIU Discovery can also automate the population of those scholarly works to your ORCID profile. See the Auto-populate Your ORCID Profile from FIU Discovery guide on the FIU Discovery support site to learn more.
Now that you have set up the auto-population of scholarly works into ORCID, consider connecting your ORCID account to the various systems such as Panther180 and SciENcv that integrate with ORCID.
See related resources:
Populate Panther180 from ORCID guide
Integrating with ORCiD video
FIU Discovery is a University-wide search portal for finding and connecting with the University community of scholars, organizations, and scholarly & creative works.
The platform is the next phase of Scholars@FIU and includes the functionality to edit the following key fields of public information about yourself in one central location.
Profile information has been aggregated into FIU Discovery in collaboration with each of the colleges where publicly available. The FIU Discovery platform has also begun passing information dynamically to other University websites.
See the Edit Your FIU Discovery Profile Overview related guide on the FIU Discovery support site to learn how to edit your public profile information.