International Research, Space Optimization and Compliance
The International Research, Space Optimization and Compliance unit provides comprehensive support services regarding international projects, research space optimization and research compliance. The Unit maintains inventories of existing FIU research laboratories, high-end equipment and core facilities. Its staff focuses on several key areas of research support to FIU faculty including facilitating the identification of research laboratories, equipment and core facilities. The Unit works with Facilities Management to help coordinate renovations and other modifications to research space. Some of the renovations to date have included over 30,000 sf in facilities such as the anatomy and biology labs, biomedical engineering labs, and confocal core laboratories. The group can actively assist with the administrative/operational aspects of off-site facilities, such as acquiring leased space for specific grants.
Space Optimization manages research space, which includes facilitating the allocation and adaptation of research laboratories, equipment and core facilities. The staff works with Facilities Management and Environmental Health and Safety to coordinate renovations and other modifications to research space. For more information, please contact at 305-348-5952, at 305-348-0167 or at 305-348-0176.
The Research Integrity unit provides oversight and management of research practices to ensure and promote responsible and ethical conduct of research, as well as ensure compliance with all legal standards. FIU takes very seriously its responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, contract and grants obligations, and standards of integrity, quality and ethics.
The Office of Laboratory Animal Research (LAR) ensures the humane care and use of animals in biomedical research and teaching at Florida International University and also provides veterinary services for the FIU Animal Care Facility.
Need Assistance?
For more information on International Research, Space Optimization and Compliance, please contact or call 305-348-5642.